
☆Taco Rice!☆

This is my first post about Okinawa. 
At first, I want to share the famous Okinawan food^^
Have you ever heard about Taco Rice? The reason why chose Taco Rice is because I love Taco Rice and also I want to share the Taco Rice is wonderful Okinawan food. 
1984, Taco Rice was born in Okinawa. The meaning of Taco Rice is the rice topped with ingredients of tacos. 
Okinawan Taco Rice is little bit different between Tokyo's Taco Rice.
↓This is the picture of Tokyo's Taco Rice.

Tokyo's Taco Rice is looks nice ,tasty and elegant. 

But Okinawan Taco Rice is Not like that. ↓

Usually, Okinawan Taco Rice is huge and very hard to eat cleanly.

Okinawa is the birthplace of the Taco Rice so I think Okinawan Taco Rice is most tasty Taco Rice in Japan!!!!

At last, I want to share the most famous Taco Rice restaurant in Okinawa.
The most famous Taco Rice restaurant is called KING TACOS! ↓(Picture of KING TACOS)

KING TACOS is located in Okinawa, Nagata.
KING TACOS's Taco Rice is cheep but very huge and flavorful !
so if you have an interest to Taco Rice, please eat KING TACOS's Taco Rice!
maybe you will addict to Taco Rice ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ

Thank you for reading my blog!
If you have question please write comment or message to me^^
See ya (≧∇≦)/


☆My first post!!!!☆

Hello!!! My name is Motoki. I live in Okinawa and I'm high-school student.
I want to share with tourists how Okinawa is beautiful and wonderful island.
I will post about Okinawan food, beautiful place, and culture so if you have an interest in Okinawa, please read it (*^o^*)v
If you have question please write a comment to this blog.
See ya !(^^)!