

Today, I'm going to share about famous Okinawan fast food restaurant!
The name is called “A&W”!!!

A&W is the fast food restaurant that only have in Okinawa.
Main land of Japan has many fast food restaurant but A&W is not in the main land.

A&W was born at California, America in 1919.
Then A&W become famous in America so the president of A&W planed to make A&W in Okinawa.
Few years later, A&W was built in Yagibaru, Okinawa in 1963. At that time, many adult and child are going to eat A&W so immediately, A&W become famous in Okinawa.

The most famous goods in A&W is “Root Beer”
Root Beer is the drink that original healthy drink, but it is very tasty and good to health so if I start to drink Root Beer, I can't stop to drink Root Beer.
Many Okinawan like Root Beer but some few Okinawa did not like to drink Root Beer, but I think Root Beer is very delicious☆彡
So if you visit A&W , please order the Root Beer and taste it!!!

Do you have an interest to A&W?
If you want to eat A&W, please come to Okinawa!!!

See you next week☆彡
See ya(●^o^●)


☆Okinawan zoo&museum!!!☆

Today, I'm going to share about Okinawa's zoo!
Main land in Japan has many zoo but Okinawa is not, this zoo is only zoo in the Okinawa.
This zoo is called “Kodomo no Kuni (country of children)”.

Kodomo no Kuni is breeding 1,028 different kind of animal and the most famous animal in this zo is Indian elephant!
This elephant is called “Ryuka” The meaning of Ryuka is Okinawan flower. It is wonderful name! XD
If you want to see elephant's lunch time, please come on Saturday and Sunday^^

Kodomo no Kuni is not just zoo. It has zoo and museum!
This museum has many crazy toy and playground equipment.
If you have small child, your child can enjoy this museum:) but if you are adult, you can enjoy too^^

In Christmas season, Kodmo no Kuni also will do “Christmas Fantasy”!!!
Every year,  Christmas Fantasy will open in Kodomo no Kuni!

Christmas Fantasy has many wonderful building and decoration.

Okinawa's winter is not too much cold so you can watch these wonderful decoration without hurry^^
If you have an interest to winter Okinawa, please come to Okinawa and visit Christmas Fantasy!

Thank you for reading my blog☆彡
See you next week(^◇^)


☆Senaga island!!!☆

Typhoon is coming to Okinawa so I can not go anywhere today(>_<)
Today, I'm going to write about Senega island.

Senaga island is in the Okinawa and we can go to Senaga island by car from Naha city.
Senega island has many charm.
First is Ocean.

We can see beautiful ocean from Senaga island.
Also, we can sea wonderful sunset from bridge.
Maybe, wonderful sunset will heal your heart(*^^)v

Second is airplane.
Senaga island is located near by Naha airport so we can see airplane near.

After watch ocean and airplane, you can stay hot spring hotel.
The name of the hotel is “Ryukyu Hot Spring Senaga Island Hotel” little bit long name. hehe
This hotel has 5 floor and, it's very huge hotel.

You can see wonderful ocean and Naha airport from this hot spring(●^o^●)
This hot spring is came from 1,000 meters below underground.
The temperature is 50 degrees and your body become hot from your marrow(*^_^*)
If you have time to stay in here, please take a bath with this hot spring(^O^)

Did you have an interest to this island?
Please come to Okinawa and visit Senaga island☆彡
You can see the wonderful nature that God made for us.
I'm very thankful that God made Okinawa and Senega island!
↓This music is like island in the south, maybe you can feel good.
   If you have a time, please listen and read this article(●^o^●)

See you next week(^O^)/
See ya☆彡


☆Chura Umi Aquarium!☆


Hello everyone! How are you doing?☆ I'm very fine(*^_^*)
Today, I want to share about one of the most famous aquarium in Japan.
This aquarium was built in Motobu city, Okinawa.
The name of this aquarium is called “Chura Umi Aquarium”.


Chura Umi aquarium is very famous in Japan so many tourist is coming to this aquarium.
The reason why Churaumi aquarium is famous is because, Churaumi aquarium has huge water tank and also the huge whale shark is living in that water tank.   

This water tank is called “The Ocean of Japan Current” and this water tank is one of the most huge water tank in the world.
This water tank have two Guinness Record.
The first record is about this window. This window is the most huge window for aquarium in the world.
The second record about acrylic panel.  This acrylic panel is the most huge acrylic panel in the world , but this record was defeated in 2008. The Dubai's aquarium made huge acrylic panel so they renew the record, but still now Chura Umi Aquarium is famous and popular aquarium in Okinawa and Japan.

If you have time to go Churau Umi Aquarium, please watch this water tank!
It is very huge and wonderful! Many fish, shark and manta is welcome you (●^o^●)
See you next week!!!!!!!!
See ya(*^^)v