

Today, I'm going to share about famous Okinawan fast food restaurant!
The name is called “A&W”!!!

A&W is the fast food restaurant that only have in Okinawa.
Main land of Japan has many fast food restaurant but A&W is not in the main land.

A&W was born at California, America in 1919.
Then A&W become famous in America so the president of A&W planed to make A&W in Okinawa.
Few years later, A&W was built in Yagibaru, Okinawa in 1963. At that time, many adult and child are going to eat A&W so immediately, A&W become famous in Okinawa.

The most famous goods in A&W is “Root Beer”
Root Beer is the drink that original healthy drink, but it is very tasty and good to health so if I start to drink Root Beer, I can't stop to drink Root Beer.
Many Okinawan like Root Beer but some few Okinawa did not like to drink Root Beer, but I think Root Beer is very delicious☆彡
So if you visit A&W , please order the Root Beer and taste it!!!

Do you have an interest to A&W?
If you want to eat A&W, please come to Okinawa!!!

See you next week☆彡
See ya(●^o^●)

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